ReactSmallTips: neat componentsI have been working with React for 6 years now and I have to say, at the beginning, my components were really scary to look at. Not to…Apr 24, 2024Apr 24, 2024
ReactSmallTips: unit-testing-componentsThis article is PART II of another article that I wrote, recently, about good practices with unit tests. If you don’t know what I am…Oct 25, 2023Oct 25, 2023
JS SmallTips — unit tests: good practicesAs a software developer, you probably know what unit tests are and why they are beneficial. However, sometimes, you might (just like me)…Oct 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023
ReactSmallTips: Liskov Substitution in React componentsAt some point in your career as a software developer you might start worrying about not just writing code that works, but code that is…Dec 21, 2022Dec 21, 2022
ReactSmallTips: Interface Segregation in React componentsAt some point in your career as a software developer you might start worrying about not just write a code that works, but a code that is…Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
ReactSmallTips: Open-closed React componentsAt some point in your career as a software developer you might start worrying about not just write a code that works, but a code that is…Aug 10, 20222Aug 10, 20222
JSSmallTips — Creating custom matcher assertions with JestIf you have been working with Javascript for a while, you’ve probably worked or at least seen something about automated tests using a lib…Feb 2, 2022Feb 2, 2022
ReactSmallTips — criando um hook para lidar com promisesSe você desenvolve em React/React native, provavelmente já teve que criar um componente para renderizar um conteúdo que vem de uma API…Sep 8, 2021Sep 8, 2021
ReactSmallTips — Renderização condicional encapsuladaEste é o primeiro post de uma série de pequenas dicas que irei trazer para melhorar nossos códigos e aplicações feitas em…Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021
React: por que considerá-lo no seu projeto?React é uma biblioteca JavaScript usada para criar interfaces de usuário (UI’s), que é mantida pelo Facebook. Desde seu lançamento o React…Feb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021